Posts Tagged ‘content writing’

Writing for the web – 10 basic tips

Writing for websites is different from any other kind of writing.

Visitors to websites don’t spend a lot of time reading text on a website. They quickly scan the page with their eyes and will leave in just seconds if they don’t see anything that interests them or that answers the question they had.

Web content has to ensure people quickly find what they’re looking for. They have to know immediately that they’ve come to the right page, otherwise you my have lost them forever.

Here are some important web writing tips to start with:


New SEO website for Tennis Ball Manufacturer

This is a project I completed a few weeks ago and that I’m very pleased with. I created an entirely new website, wrote all the content and did the on-site SEO for Tensindo Sports.

Tensindo is a tennis ball manufacturer, producing its own ITF-approved TENS tennis balls as well as tennis balls for other brands (that are very well known but can’t be named).

Tensindo’s old website was done entirely in Flash, had little content that was difficult to read (in little frames with scrollbars within the Flash file) and was not optimised at all. It was a real challenge trying to find their website via search engines. You wouldn’t find them at all if you typed any of their product names in Google.
