Posts Tagged ‘journalist’

8-page Newspaper Supplement on Coffs Harbour Airport

In addition to being a web copywriter and SEO specialist, I am also a freelance journalist. One project that I’ve worked on in that capacity in recent weeks has just been published, and doesn’t it look great!

The project saw me researching and writing 16 stories for an 8-page sponsored newspaper supplement about the Coffs Harbour Regional Airport. The supplement was delivered as a wrap-around to today’s Coffs Coast Independent newspaper which is delivered door to door in the Coffs Coast area.

coffs-airport-supplementFor this project, I’ve worked closely with the Airport Manager and have interviewed more than a dozen people, done a lot of research and spent many mornings and afternoons touring and hanging around the Coffs Harbour Airport.


Content Writer’s professional New Year’s Resolutions for 2009

At the start of a new year, I’ve made a few resolutions – or really, a list of things I’m determined to do in 2009, career-wise.

They’re all related to my diverse profession as a copywriter, website consultant, search engine optimiser, content specialist, public relations consultant and freelance journalist.
