Posts Tagged ‘SEO content’

Recap: My Content Writer Business – 1 Year On

August 8, 2009 marks exactly one year since I officially started working full time for myself as an SEO Web Copywriter (on the auspicious date of 08/08/08). Yes, it’s my ‘business birthday’! 🙂

I’m very happy to report that it’s been a huge success! I’ve been consistently busy with a steady stream of new projects and clients, particularly since January this year.

Some of my achievements over the past year


New website for Coffs Harbour roof repair company

I recently created a new website for Roofing Matters, a reroofing and roof repair company based in Coffs Harbour and doing roof replacements throughout the NSW North and Mid North Coast.


Roofing Matters did have a very basic website but there was no real design in place nor any content explaining what the company does. Hardly anyone could find the previous site and if they did, there wasn’t much information there for them.

I designed the website and wrote all the content for the site based on various conversations I had with the client. It’s a small but clean, lean and effective website.


Content Writing: Answering website visitors’ main questions

Writing content for websites is never the same. I deal with completely different clients with completely different requirements and preferences and write about completely different subject matters. What I like about my job is that I learn so much about such a varied range of topics and industries.

One thing that all my website copywriting projects have in common, is that I approach things as if I were my client’s customer, the visitor to their website. I think “If I came to this website, what would I want to know, do,  buy or find out?” 

Then I make sure I write clear and concise copy that answers the most important questions and highlights the main benefits of the company’s products or services to the customer. This is especially important on the homepage or other main landing pages that people may come to straight from search engines or online ads.


SEO content for Surfers Paradise apartments

Just another completed project I wanted to mention in my blog – writing appealing, search engine-friendly and sales-oriented website copy for Surfers Century Oceanside Apartments on the Gold Coast.

The website had existing pages but the content wasn’t very strong nor was it optimised for search engines. There were also a couple of blank or very short pages. New pages were also added to specifically target different types of visitors – couples, families and groups.


Dedicated SEO copywriter for websites – should you use one?

A copywriter is a copywriter… right? Wrong! A copywriter specialising in print copywriting such as brochures doesn’t necessarily have the skills and knowledge needed to be a good copywriter for websites.

Sure, a ‘normal’ copywriter knows how to write a good piece of text that’s engaging and persuasive. But website copywriting involves a lot more than that.

A good website copywriter (in addition to writing good copy and understanding marketing):
